Journey of Faith and Love: Embracing Unity in a Divided World
In sharing my entrepreneurship and personal growth journey, I have been reflecting on the different aspects of my life - the struggles, triumphs, relationships, and spiritual beliefs. Through experiences in Japan, America, and Mexico, I have encountered different cultures and religions, each contributing to my understanding of faith and humanity.
In a conversation with my wife, Andrea, I was reminded of God's unwavering presence in our lives. God, our provider, protector, wisdom, and father, is always with us, guiding us through our challenges. Despite the current turmoil in our world, both politically and spiritually, we must not forget our true essence in God's eyes.
Growing up amidst Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, and Christian influences, I have been blessed to learn from these diverse faith traditions. It has become evident to me that those who inflict harm and spread hate do not truly represent the teachings of these religions. Anger stems from a mindset of hatred, while love is rooted in our spiritual selves, capable of choosing between the two.
As a deaf man who has navigated the pain of divorce, loss, and difficult relationships, I have come to understand the precious nature of loyalty. My wife, Andrea, has stood by my side, reminding me of my worth in God's eyes and the importance of choosing love over hate.
Reflecting upon who we are in God's eyes, we are faced with a choice - to harbor resentment towards those who differ from us in political or religious views or to embody God's message of love and compassion towards all, including our neighbors and enemies. The decision lies within each of us.
In a world filled with division and animosity, let us strive to see ourselves and others through the lens of love and understanding. God is love, and through his grace, we can overcome hatred and embrace unity. Embrace the spirit of love within you and choose to be a beacon of light in a world that so desperately needs it.