Entrepreneur Do's and Don'ts

As I write this blog, I have been giving a lot of thought to what we should or shouldn't do.  

I have had my share of failures and accomplishments during the last 10 years and I am still learning as an entrepreneur.  

This can be for anyone in general.  If you are an employee, entrepreneur, or CEO or janitor, teacher, anything, this can help.  

Things that we shouldn't verse should do as an entrepreneur or for anyone: 


    Understanding how you feel when things aren't going the way you wanted to go is part of being an entrepreneur.  It can be not enough sales, getting many "NO's", bad leaderships, etc... Those things shouldn't cause you to become anxious but think of these as a positive lesson to help improve your abilities as an entrepreneur.  Remember this:  You create your reality.  No one can create it for you.  When you panic, you are only focusing on the negative happenings and that can bring you stress, resentments, or worse.  You are responsible for what you believe in and what you do as a person. 


    One of the hardest things I had to learn is to be grateful.  I had to switch from being unhappy to a happy mindset knowing that I can get more sales, more YES, and also find new leaders or mentors to guide me.  But one thing you must remember:  It starts with you.  Your belief and your mindset can change how you are as an entrepreneur. What are you grateful for?  It can be your family, your businesses, positive people who believe in you and your success.  It can be a dog or cat, or snake (yikes!) or my favorite, a praying mantis.  Write down what you are grateful for.  Start today and you will feel good about yourself.  Smile more no matter what!  


    Since the internet began, there have been more negative propaganda and news and what made it worse is that people are focusing on them! If the internet has the power to feed you the negative news and media, why not switch to the positive news and be surrounded by inspiring happy people that believe in you and your success? Let me ask you this:  How does it feel when you watch the negative news about the war, the economic worries, the pandemic, etc?? Does that make you feel good?  No!  Thousand times NO!  Sure, they may say, "we need to be informed" but it doesn't mean you have to believe in them.  That's why I stopped looking at the news.  It does not bring me peace, happiness, and inspiration.  


    For the past year or two, I have been focusing on the positive.  I'll be honest, it wasn't easy.  I was so used to the old habits of allowing the negative programming from the news, the media, and the people that were feeling me were infecting my mind, soul, and spirit.  Notice the word, "DISEASE" have two syllables:  DIS-EASE.  When your mind is focused on the negative, what happens?  It breaks down your mental, emotional, and spiritual harmony.  Focus on the news that brings harmony to your whole self.  A positive mindset with happy emotions and spiritual awakenings can bring stability to your life.  What you believe is your choice.  I suggest you make a choice to focus on the good news.  Focus on LOVE, GRATITUDE, and TAKE INSPIRED actions.  When you are inspired to do something positive, you can bring more smiles and happiness not only to other people but to you as well. It feels good to do something loving and inspiring for others. 


    I know there are days that can be discouraging but know this:  It's only temporary.  There are many that have lost jobs, got laid off, got divorced, sick, have a medical diagnosis, etc.. You name it.  These things are yours to keep if you continue to believe in them. or not let them go  What you believe or dwell on, will only affect you.  So change your belief!  I am deaf and an amputee.  So what?  Who cares?  What matters is what I believe.  It's my belief that my disabilities are only making me a stronger person.  So what if you are getting rejected by people, or prospects that don't want your services?  There are BILLIONS of people in the world and plenty that need your services.   When you are discouraged, you are sending the vibes that make others feel unwanted, undeserving of the need of the services, or worse, rejected.  What you feel will feed the vibes to others and they will stay away from you. 


    Trust in yourself.  For many years, I have preached about how to trust God.  Yes, it is important to have faith.  You can call Him whatever you want.  It's YOUR FAITH.   How is your faith serving you?  Like I said, your faith is your choice of belief.  If you believe in the negative news, media, people, then your faith is on the negative side of the coin.  But there's always the other, better, powerful, and encouraging side of the coin, it's positive news, positive energy, positive people, that can boost your confidence in yourself.  Trust in yourself and have faith in the positive outcome.  It's okay to ask for help from the Divine, whom I call Him: GOD, the MOST HIGH, that's my faith.  What's yours?  You can be anything you want to be if you start to believe in your ABILITIES and YOURSELF.  There no one like you and guess what, YOU ARE AMAZING.  

For years, I have always believed that no one will read my blog.  Now, I have confidence that people will read it.  Why?  Because I believe in myself that I have the ability to write blogs that can inspire others to be the best they can be and bring a positive mindset if they choose to.  No matter what happens, don't be panic, discouraged, and focus on any negative things that bring negative outcomes to your whole self.  Focus on the LOVE, CONFIDENCE, POSITIVE NEWS, and OH!  One more thing: HAVE POSITIVE INSPIRING BELIEF IN YOURSELF.  Again, YOU ARE AMAZING.  

Be surrounded by positive and success-driven people. Be happy, grateful, and again, believe in yourself.  

Even I am still learning!  

Expect amazing things into your life!

