Changing my negative mind into positive mindset.

Ever since I became a businessman about a year ago, I have had to change how I think, speak, and act.

For a long time, my mind was always like this : "I can't do it because I am deaf or speech impaired". When I think negative, I get negative outcome.

Or someone will tell me, "You can not do it because you are deaf or you might misunderstand the people talking to you".  When I believe their negative belief , I get negative outcome. 

Toxic people are the naysayers!  They will always find a way to drag meor you down or destroy our confidence in ourselves.  They will do everything they can to make us feel that we are not good at anything or keep us from succeeding. 

I had to let go of negative people.  So should you, even if they are relatives , friends, or acquaintances, if they are toxic to your spirit, your mind, and your life, let them go.  When we are surrounding ourselves with positive people will always have positive impact on how we think and do things in our life. 

We only got one life to live.  So let's be full of positive thoughts!  This reminded me of the movie, "HOOK", when Robin Williams became an adult and had to think "HAPPY THOUGHTS", to become Peter Pan again.  So if you want to become "PETER PAN", you gotta change your mindset to a positive one. 

Even how I think can be either toxic or  life-giving.  What or how I speak can affect anyone around me.  So I have to make sure that whatever comes out of my mouth is positive, life-giving- and inspiring.   When people sees my positive attitude, or hear my positive word or read positive posts on my Facebook or Twitter pages, it can change their negative mindsets into a new positive mindsets. 

Anytime you feel discouraged, negative, and not wanting to try anymore, talk to someone who is always positive, full of courage, and pushing to succeed.  If you have any negative people in your life, let them go, they are not worth your time.

Positive mindset can help improve any type of relationship, business, health, mind, joy, and outcome.  It can lessen the stress of your life and improve your quality of life.

How to train or improve our mind to be positive?

There are few things I think of:

1 ) Pray and be thankful for all good things in your life.  We take things for granted.  We were born with nothing and we will leave with nothing.  We are here to enjoy life to the fullest.  So hang around people who are full of life and always thinking positive.

2 ) Read positive and inspiring books.  These books will help you feel good and want to do more positive things.  When I first started to read positive and inspiring book, it really gave me the sense of wanting to be more positive and be around positive people.  It has also caused me to help people more than ever.  In my case, the Book of Proverbs have given me the wisdom to be a positive person and bless others.  You don't have to read the Book of Proverbs, you can read the history of all those positive and successful people like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, etc.. they are always thinking positive and setting goals to their success.

3 ) Help others without any condition.  Money or earthly wealth isn't the key to relationship.  It's the heart.  That's exactly what God have done for me.  Christ loves us unconditionally and that what we should do to others.   Love is a powerful thing.  The more you love yourself, the more you will love others.   Take care of YOUR SPIRIT (HEART) and MIND. 

It took me awhile to change my mind into positive mindset.  If it wasn't for my wife and children, my team, my parents and sister and all my positive friends from all over the world, my mind will be full of worries and negative thoughts.  So I thank God for all of you, positive thinkers, for influencing my mind and my spirit. 

Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. Hans Selye
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Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. Hans Selye
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Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. Hans Selye
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Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. Hans Selye
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Anonymous said…
That's a reallyally good blog! Yes, I agree that it's very important to have positive mindset for daily life, no matter what.